Access Statement

The extra mile has been traveled in order to make this web site accessible to people with all sorts of disabilities. Every page on this web site has been tested with Watchfire WebXact and will pass without error for WAG 1.0 - A, AA, and AAA standards as well as conformance to the Section 508 standards. I invite you to test every page for yourself. I use Xenu Link Sleuth to test my links to make sure they are all in working order. If you find errors in the accessibility of this web site please use the e-mail link in the info / Links menu in the top left corner to notify me of the error you discovered, during the course of your trying to view this web site, and I will make every effort to correct the error in a timely manner. Your ability to enjoy and become informed, while viewing this web site, is my ultimate goal.

Access key definitions and usage.

To use the access keys on a PC depress the ALT key while hitting the (access key value) - then hit the enter key, or depress the CTRL key while hitting the (access key value) then hit the enter key, on a Mac.
All access key values are represented in [maroon] in the text menu on the bottom of each page of this website.

a thru z = The main navigation items, on this web:
  1. a = Home
  2. b = Introduction to the Website
  3. c = About the Authors of the book
  4. d = Foreword
  5. e = Thomas Bethel Fate - Fenny Elgar Fate
  6. f = Johannes Vogt - The Tennessee Branch
  7. g = Descendents of Leonard & Margaret
  8. h = Willy Green Fate - James Monroe Fate
  9. i = Thomas Bethel Fite - Flennoy Elgar Fite
  10. j = Clarence Sydney Fite - Effie Gladys Fite
  11. k = Marion Charles Fite - Lucille Fite
  12. l = Arra Burton Fite - Bernice Mabel Fite
  13. m = Frederick Leroy Fite - Elizabeth Fite Thorne
  14. n = LaFayette Doris Fite - Ella Mae Fite
  15. o = Julia Bruton - Paul Leonard Fite
  16. p = The Source
  17. q = Skip past the navigation and go straight to the content
  18. r = Explanation of the Coat of Arms
  19. s = Links Page
  20. t = Privacy / COPPA Statement
  21. u = Accessibilty Statement / Access Key Definitions
  22. v = Copyright Statement
  23. w = Web Site Updates Page
  24. x = Site Map
  25. y = Terms of Use / Disclaimer
  26. z = Oasis for Reflection
The additional navigation items: 1 to 0 ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 )
  1. 1 = Web Master Tips - 1
  2. 2 = Web Master Tips - 2
  3. 3 = Web Master Tips - 3
  4. 4 = Web Master Tips - 4
  5. 5 = Web Master Tips - 5
  6. 6 = Award Pages Index
  7. 7 = Independent Awards
  8. 8 = ICRA Label Checker
  9. 9 = W3c XHTML Validator
  10. 0 = W3c CSS Validator

Tabindex navigation

I have written a logical tabindex system into the text navigation located at the bottom of each page. The way to access and use this system is with the tab key on your keybaord. You tap your tab key until it takes you to the text menu and then you hit the enter key when you have selected the web page of your choice. Initially I had written this system into every link on every page. Wow, what an enterprise that turned into. I went to the W3c site and read the specification for using this system and found that I had completely over done it. For what I had intended all that I really needed was to include it in my text navigation at the bottom of each page. I used differnt numbers for each link but according to the specification I could actually use the same number for each link. I have done some minor research and found that the access keys are proprietary to Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator only. I added the tabindex system to cover any possibilty that the viewer might not have one of these browsers but I am reasonably sure that they will have a keyboard. Life without a keyboard attached to your computer could be extremely challenging. I am not ruling out adjusting my code to cover the "no keyboard or mouse" possibilty and if anyone knows of a way to write the code so that the web page could be navigated without a keyboard or mouse please forward me a link so I can make that adjustment. I don't want to exclude anybody.

[[a]Home ] [[b]Introduction to the Website ] [[c]About the Authors of the Book ] [[d]Foreword ] [[e] Johannes Vogt - The Tennessee Branch ] [[f]Leonard Fite - Isabella Fite ] [[g]Descendents of Leonard & Margaret ]   [[h]Willy Green Fite - James Monroe Fite ] [[i]Thomas Bethel Fite - Flennoy Elgar Fite ] [[j]Clarence Sydney Fite - Effie Gladys Fite ] [[k] Marion Charles Fite - Lucille Fite ] [[l]Arra Burton Fite - Bernice Mabel Fite ] [[m] Frederick Leroy Fite - Elizabeth Fite Thorne ] [[n]LaFayette Doris Fite - Ella Mae Fite ] [[o] Julia Bruton - Paul Leonard Fite ] [[p]The Source ] [[q]Content ] [[r]Explanation of the Coat of Arms ]  [[s]Links Page ] [[t]Privacy / COPPA Statement ] [[u]Accessibility Statement ] [[v] Copyright Statement ] [[w]Updates Page ] [[x]Disclaimer / Terms of Use ] [[y]Site Map ]  [[z]Reflections ] [[1]Web Master Tips-I ] [[2]Web Master Tips-II ] [[3]Web Master Tips-III ] [[4] Web Master Tips-IV ] [[5]Web Master Tips-V ] [[6]Award Pages Index ] [Rated Awards (5.0) I ] [Rated Awards (5.0) II ] [Rated Awards (5.0) III ]  [Rated awards (4.5) I ] [Rated awards (4.5) II ] [Rated awards (4.0) I ] [Rated awards (4.0) II ] [Rated Awards (3.5) I ] [Rated Awards (3.0) I ]  [Rated Awards (3.0) II ] [[7]Independent Awards ] [[8] ICRA Labeled ] [[9]XHTML 1.0 ] [[0]CSS Level 3 ]